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Auction: 21042 - The Opium Wars Collection
Lot: 65

First Opium War
The Eastern Expedition
The Taking of the Bogue Forts
1841 (5-9 Jan.) entire letter from Turner & Co, Macao to John Gladstone & Co in Liverpool "pr overland mail via Marseilles" and rated "6/2", forwarded through Bombay (notation crossed through), "INDIA" in oval, the flap with forwarder's received in Bombay but a small segment of this flap has been cut out; there is a vertical filing crease and some paper ageing (two adhesive tape reinforcements need to be replaced).

The long and detailed contents of the letter include, "We now have to advise that during the night the 'Madagascar' steamer came down from the Fleet with dispatches for India, and without delay went immediately, it is understood to tow up the men of the 26th and 49th Regiments just arrived from Chusan via Manila, i.e. those fit for service, to join the force before the Bogue. Nothing official has been made public, but the general belief is that until Thursday 7th inst. is given to the Chinese to amend their terms otherwise Captain Elliot, despairing of diplomacy alone bringing about a settlement, will leave the matter in Commodore Bremer's hands."

An addition added on the 9th copies out Charles Elliot's circular, "To her Britannic Majesty's subjects resident in Macao. Negotiations having been interrupted, the positions of Chuenpee and Tycockow were simultaneously attacked this morning by sea and land and have both fallen to Her majesty's arms. It will be very satisfactory to Her Majesty's subjects to learn that this gallant achievement was effected with trifling loss, notwithstanding an obstinate and honourable defence at all points. (signed) Charles Elliot ..." He continues, "The annexed Circular will inform you of the capture of the two lower forts at the Bogue on 7th inst. The destruction of the forts is said to be the most complete, and the loss of life on the part of the Chinese great. They fought well we hear. What our loss has been on board the ships engaged has not transpired but it is understood that of the landing party, one man was killed and 20 wounded. We are anxious to learn what effect the commencement has on the Canton authorities. We have not heard whether the main forts have been attacked yet.

1841年1月5-9日澳門Turner & Co. 寄利物浦John Gladstone & Co 信函, 有"pr overland mail via Marseilles" 字句, 遞送費為 "6/2", 首先於孟買中轉; 帶㰐圓型"INDIA" 戳記. 封舌有部份缺失, 信函有摺痕, 老化及修補痕䟢. 因1841年1月5日義律通知琦善如果遲運不能達成協議, 便交與其總司令伯麥將軍處理, 意指會採取軍事行動攻打廣州. 信內容主要記述英軍第26及第49兵團分別由舟山及馬尼拉抵達虎門增援; 記錄了如果當月7日仍未達成協議, 便將交由總司令伯麥處理. 亦記載了两天後即1月7日英軍正式進攻虎門奪取了穿鼻洋和大角島的两處重要炮台等情况, 登島的英軍没有受到强烈的抵抗, 只有少許受傷....; 信函見證了第二次穿鼻洋戰役的相關史實.

HK$20,000 to HK$40,000

Starting price