Auction: 21042 - The Opium Wars Collection
Lot: 66
First Opium War
The Eastern Expedition
The Taking of the Bogue Forts
1841 (8 Jan.) entire letter from John Silverlock to his father in Chichester, "via Marseilles", rated "2/8" and with "INDIA" in large oval. the flap with manuscript, "Recd at Bombay 15 March 1841 R S & Co" (Richie Steuart). London (6.5) and Chichester (7.5) c.d.s. Clean and fine.
The letter, in his neat hand (though the ink is a little faint) gives a copy of the Official Circular issued by Charles Elliot (received by the 'Louisa' during the night), he adds his own information, "...Kishen delays land resistance to the demands have at last, brought this heavy blow upon his country and he will now be compelled by force to submit to the terms of our government. The latest intelligence from the Bogue give few particulars of the attack. the following was sent to Capt. Gribble. Jan 7th 'Druid', 'Modest','Samarang' & 'Columbine' moved up at 6 a.m. and took their positions off Ty-cock-tow. 'Calliope', 'Hyacinth', 'Larne', steamers 'Queen' & 'Nemesis' off Chuenpee. Commenced at 6 a.m. British flag hoisted over the Forts at 11.30 a.m. Forts entirely destroyed. The Chinese fought well, great number killed. No return yet from our ships of killed and wounded. Land force 20 wounded and one killed. The seventy fours moved up to Anson's Bay at noon to take up position for attacking the large Bogue Fort and the others, and it is most probable that at the present moment all the forts are in the possession of the British. Whether the Commodore will stop here or proceed up river to Canton is not known. People generally think he will not go to Canton. What effect this will have towards advancing or retarding a settlement between the two countries, it is impossible yet to conjecture. In the excitement of the moment one cannot look at things calmly...". A very significant correspondence. Ex Sir Percival David
1941年1月8日澳門John Silverlock 致英國Chichester 的父親信函, 途經馬賽, 遞送費為 "2/8" , 蓋大型㰐圓型"INDIA" 戳記, 封舌有"Recd at Bombay 15 march 1841 R S & Co" 手跡, 分別有5月6日倫敦及5月7日Chichester 日戳; 信函保存良好. 信函中包含一公函手抄副本敘及剛發生的穿鼻洋第二次戰役, 講述英軍佔領了沙角炮台 (即穿鼻炮台) 和大角炮台, 而且英軍損失輕微. 駐華全權大使義律於1841年1月7日簽署在皇家戰艦威爾斯利號上. 信中其它内容包括: "清廷琦善延誤了陸地防禦的需要, 對清廷帶來了沉重的打擊, 並將被逼尊守本政府開出的條件....1月8日上午6 時, 英國國旗於早上十一時三十三分縣掛在躉船上, 海峽炮台全部被摧毁. 清廷軍隊人數雖較多佔優, 但死亡人數眾多.....英軍總司令James Bremer是否在Ansons Bay 停下來還是繼續北上進攻廣州到現在還不知道, 但人們普遍認為他不會進攻廣州...." 一封意義重大的歷史事件見證信函.
HK$20,000 to HK$40,000
Starting price