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Auction: 21042 - The Opium Wars Collection
Lot: 60

First Opium War
The Eastern Expedition
The Elliot Negotiations
1840 (24-28 Dec.) long entire letter from Macao to John Gladstone & Co, Liverpool "via Marseilles", rated "2/8", with "INDIA" in oval and, on the flap, London and Liverpool arrival c.d.s.(10.4) carried privately to Bombay by the 'City of Derry'; there is a vertical filing crease, some paper ageing and a few adhesive tape repairs (which should be replaced).

The long letter gives a good account of what was happening at that time including, "... we have daily had conflicting reports, at one time all hope of a settlement were declared to be given up, and nothing but active hostilities was to be heard of ... The fact is we are kept most completely in the dark and know nothing of the progress making in the negotiations between Com. Keshin and Captain Elliot. The present and last report current is that everything either is actually settled and only waits ratification we published or just on the point of being settled; but how arranged upon what conditions either as regards the past or future we have not the slightest clue to, and indeed cannot help feeling everything but confident in the truth of this story more than any of its predecessors ...Mr Stanton was released from confinement in Canton and returned a few days ago to Macao...". And with two later additions to the original letter

1940年12月24-28日澳門經馬賽至利物浦John Gladstone & Co 信函, 遞送費為 "2/8", 帶㰐圓型"INDIA" 戳記. 封舌有倫敦及4月10日利物浦到達日戳. 而此函首先由私人乘輪船 "City of Derry" 往孟買; 有摺痕, 老化及修補痕䟢. 信函內容大致講述定海戰爭後, 戰勝的英國向清廷提出14 項條件議訂和約, 因談判不如英方要求而導致第二次穿鼻洋之戰, 虎門戰役等戰事, 且信中亦提到引致發生在澳門"the Battle of Barrier" 的斯坦頓牧師被擄走囚禁於廣州終於獲釋並返回澳門.

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