Auction: 19009 - The Treaty Ports of the Shanghai Postal System - Part 1
Lot: 1025
1894 Third Issue
1895 (May) large envelope registered to Shanghai bearing 24ca. yellowish green cancelled by circular "
The Shanghai Postal System, Charles Dougan, 1981 (illustrated page 139)
Mail from Chunking was usually sent either via Ichang or Hankow for transmission to Shanghai.
1895年5月重慶寄上海大型掛號封, 首貼重慶黃綠色貳錢肆分票一枚, 銷重慶紫色三圈無日期"經"字戳, 旁再蓋另一枚相同的郵戳, 此外經宜昌書信館時再貼1895年宜昌信局銀半分票共十枚, 銷紫色宜昌無日期戳. 封背蓋有5月27日藍色漢口工部戳及甚為模糊的5月30日上海工部到達日戳, 旁有郵差手寫記號, 信封有些摺痕; 這種由重慶及宜昌兩個工部書信館混貼高額面值郵票的掛號封, 相信目前存世只有兩封, 珍貴異常._x000D_
著作: 1981年"上海郵政系統" (The Shanghai Postal System) Charles Dougan. 139頁插圖; 由重慶寄上海郵件通常經宜昌或漢口轉遞.
HK$50,000 to HK$60,000