Auction: 19008 - The Lam Man Yin Collection of Small Dragons, Dowagers and 1897 Surcharges
Lot: 566
1885-88 Small Dragon Issues
Internal 3 candareen Rate
Combination with Customs Mail Matter: Wenchow; 1893 (12 Apr.) Gunzburgh envelope to Shanghai bearing 3ca. mauve clean cut perf.11½ cancelled by a fine strike of Wenchow seal in red with a fine strike of "
Gunzburg arranged for some different philatelically inspired covers to be sent to him. They are still very scarce and collectable
Gunzburg 安排不少郵品寄給他,這些郵品今天仍屬罕有及極具收藏價值
HK$60,000 to HK$80,000