Auction: 19008 - The Lam Man Yin Collection of Small Dragons, Dowagers and 1897 Surcharges
Lot: 565
1885-88 Small Dragon Issues
Internal 3 candareen Rate
Combination with Shanghai Local Post: 1896 (12 Nov.) opened-out Hotel les Colonies envelope to the French Legation in Peking bearing a good strike of Shanghai Local Post boxed "
Paul Hock, October 1983
The Shanghai Local Post carried this letter to Tientsin where it was put in the Customs Post Office and the 3 candareens stamp cancelled for the onward transmission to Peking
上海工部混貼剖開封:1896年11月12日上海Colonies酒店寄駐北京法國大使館,蓋完整上海工部紅色框型郵資已付戳,中轉天津貼三分票,並銷天津藍色橢圓中文戳,在封背蓋有紅色上海工部日戳,11月17日天津海關中轉戳及11月18日藍色北京海關到達日戳. 這是一件最早蓋印郵資已付的己知五個混貼小龍票實寄封之一,珍罕可知._x000D_
源流:1983年10月Paul Hock; 上海工部郵政負責將這信遞往天津,並在天津海關郵局蓋銷三分票中轉至北京
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