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Auction: CSS92B - Chinese Banknotes and Coins
Lot: 1293

The People’s Bank of China, obverse progressive proof 100 yuan, ND (1999), '5th series Renminbi', red and multicolour, Mao Zedong at right, missing the floral vignette stating ‘Yi Bai Yuan’ at lower left of centre and the green fluorescent ‘100’ in the watermark area, serial numbers missing, watermark of Mao Zedong present, the reverse with underprint only with the building missing, reverse notably missing building and columns,
(Pick 901pp1), An interesting printing production stage proof. PMG 53EPQ, extremely rare.

1999年中國人民銀行第五版人民幣壹佰圓漸進式彩色試印票,紅及彩色,右邊毛澤東肖像,缺毛像左側壹百圓字樣和花紋、左邊熒光"100"字樣、及鈔票編號,帶有毛澤東水印,背面有底紋,未有印上建築物圖案及文字,有趣的一枚,PMG 53EPQ,極稀見的人民幣試印票,展示製作鈔票步驟的罕品


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