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Auction: CSS86B - The Prestigious Academic Reference Collection Of The Late Dr Werner Burger - Part 2
Lot: 1090

China: Yuan Dynasty, Zhi Yuan Tong Bao, 1 cash, (1271-1368), 22.2x1.6mm, weighs 3.6g, Zhong Qian 78. This coin was struck in the Zhi Yuan era during the reign on Kublia Khan (r.1264-1294). There are six types consisting of 1,2 and 3 cash in either Chinese or Phags-pa script. A well preserved example of the Mongol emperor who finally conquered Southern Song to establish the Yuan Dynasty in 1279. Scarce. Dr. Werner Burger Collection [124]

元代至元通寶小平,22.2x1.6mm,重3.76克,中乾78,此幣鑄於忽必烈(公元1264-1294年在位)至元年間,共分六種版別,包括漢文或八思巴文的小平、折二及折三。忽必烈最終於 1279 年征服南宋建立元朝,本品保存完好,稀見

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