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Auction: CSS86B - The Prestigious Academic Reference Collection Of The Late Dr Werner Burger - Part 2
Lot: 1087

China: Southern Song Dynasty, Chun You Tong Bao, large sized 100 cash, (1127-1279), reverse; 'Dang Bai', 52.8x2.7mm, weighs 28.9g, Zhong Qian Genuine. Cast in the first year of the Chun You era (1241) in the reign of Lizong (r.1224-1264). in 1235 Ogedei Khan, the third son of Genghis Khan and his successor reignited war with the Southern Song Dynasty. Emperor Lizong ordered Yu Jie, the Minister of War, to take command of theatre of war in Sichuan. Policies initiated by Yu, such as anti corruption, opening new farms and storing food, strengthening walls of strategic towns enabled him to keep the Mongol forces at bay. Unfortunately, he was left in dire financial circumstances and he had no choice but to cast large denomination coins privately, resulting in this example. Dr. Werner Burger Collection [100]

南宋淳祐通寶,大型當百,背當百,52.8x2.7mm,重28.9克,宋理宗趙昀淳祐元年(公元1241)鑄造。 同年,蒙古大汗窩闊台病死,蒙古內部發生汗位繼承權的鬥爭,讓南宋政權得以喘息。淳祐二年,理宗詔命著名軍事家餘玠出鎮四川以抵禦蒙古兵入侵。餘玠蒞任期間曾大革弊政積習,屯田積糧,教練軍旅,並廣納賢才,築城建壘。但或因戰爭所需,鑄此背文「當百」虛值大錢,以供軍餉之用。中乾評真品

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