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Auction: CSS82C - The Prestigious Academic Reference Collection of the Late Dr. Werner Burger: Part 1
Lot: 2128

Moghulistan (Eastern Chagatai Khanate), a group of 5 silver coins circa 1425 and 1437, In the mid-14th century a new khanate headed by descendants of Chagatai (second son of Genghis Khan) arose after the western part of the old khanate fell under the control of Islamised Turkic nobles. The eastern part of the khanate continued in a loose form of a nomadic tribal confederacy of independant local khans who enjoyed great wealth from collecting zakat (tax) on the lucrative Silk Road trade in exchange to officially paying tribute to the Ming Dynasty. During the Yongle years of the Ming Dynasty, Uwai Khan was one of the khans who had more direct control of the region as they dealt with incursions from the Oirats, Timurids and Uzbeks. The attacks led to the move to Ilibalik (modern day Yining) in Ili River Valley and this groups of coins were unearthed in the area. Very Fine. A group which are very much interconnected with Yuan and Ming Dynasty China (5). Dr. Werner Burger Collection


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