Auction: 9022 - Orders, Decorations, Medals & Militaria
Lot: 77
x Pair: Major G.S. Rogers, Royal Garhwal Rifles British War Medal (Lieut. G.S. Rogers.); India General Service 1908-35, G.V.R., one clasp, Malabar 1921-22 (Mbj. G.S. Rogers, 1-18 R. Garh. Rfls.), good very fine (2) Estimate £ 180-220 Major Geoffrey Swarbrick Rogers, born Birkenhead, March 1888; educated at Rossal School and at Lincoln College, Oxford; Commissioned Second Lieutenant, Unattached List, Indian Army, 9.9.1908; transferred 39th Garhwal Rifles, 10.10.1910; Lieutenant, 9.12.10; served during the Great War on the Western Front from 13.10.1914; present at the Battles of La Bassee, 13.10-2.11.1914; Neuve Chapelle, 10-13.3.1915; and Aubers, 9.5.1915; wounded at the Battle of Festubert, 15.5.1915, where the Regiment suffered 15 men killed and 4 Officers and 136 men wounded, and Lord Kitchener was of the opinion that ´´the Garhwalis have made a great name for themselves and have done very well´´ (Historical Record of the 39th Royal Garhwal Rifles refers); Captain, 1.9.1915; Acting Major, 15.7.1918-15.7.1921; served during the supression of the Moplah Rebellion in Malabar with the 1-39 Royal Garhwal Rifles, 20.8.1921-25.2.1922, where 2 Officer and 17 other ranks were killed or wounded; 1-39 Royal Garhwal Rifles re-number as 1-18 Royal Garhwal Rifles, 1922; Major, 9.9.1924; retired, 17.10.1929; died in Norfolk, May 1976.
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