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Auction: 21042 - The Opium Wars Collection
Lot: 23

First Opium War
The Opium Trade
Opium Clipper Ships
Water Witch: 1836 (27 Aug.) river mail entire letter to Edward Crooke from his cousin, E.F. Venables on the 'Water Witch' anchored at Cumsingmoon, after general notes on the movement of personnel and ships, he adds, " ... about my opium, do not sell it as I have promised to a smuggler for 690 dollars. I want to sell it before the Cowasjei arrives from Bengal as I should think the price is set to fall then when I shall buy another chest". The recipients notes, " ... So send an order from the ship in my favour if he changes his mind EC". There are two ink brush-stroke delivery characters on the address panel and a rather heavy horizontal filing fold

Lee Scamp. November 2006

鴉片煙快速大飛艇 "Water Witch": 1836年8月27日廣州的Edward Crooke (當時廣州的很出名鴉片煙商人, 中文名稱為"局碌" ), 他的表親 E.F. Venables 於Water Witch號船上 (泊於金星門) 經內河郵遞寄給他的信函. 該信內容大致為就販賣鴉片煙要求他不要賣走其手上的貨, 因為通知他已在早前承諾賣給了另一鴉片商販; 此信函上有以毛筆書寫 "局碌" 两漢字, 有明顯摺痕, 及信舌上帶完整紅色火漆