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Auction: 19034 - The Treaty Ports of the Shanghai Postal System - Part II
Lot: 2123

Black Flag Republic
1895 (4 Sept.) envelope to Amoy bearing Black Flag Republic die I 30cash to 100cash set of three (30cash affixed face down) cancelled by "taiwan republic/tainan" c.d.s. with a fine strike of Local Post Office Amoy arrival (7.9) and a fine strike of the straight-line "postage due" in black with manuscript "2 cts" below; there are a couple of small faults on the reverse. A fine and attractive cover. Photo

During the Sino-Japanese War in August 1894 to April 1895, China was defeated and ceded Taiwan to Japan by the Treaty of Shimonoseki. The governor of Taiwan, Tang Ching-Sung refused to acknowledge the Treaty and set up the Republic of Taiwan on 25 May 1895, with Tang as president. Japanese troops landed and occupied north Taiwan and Tang escaped to mainland China. The leader of the Black Flag troops, Lui Yung-Fu, who was based in Tainan, declared himself president of the Republic. He set up a postal service, issuing stamps of 31 July 1895. Japanese troops occupied Tainan on 21 October, so this regime only lasted 150 days

1895年9月4日台南寄廈門進口封, 貼台灣民主國第一版獨虎票30錢, 50錢及100錢全套三枚 (30錢票前後反轉貼), 銷英文雙圈台灣民主國台南日戳, 於9月7日蓋廈門工部到達戳, 在信封面左端蓋黑色"POSTAGE DUE" 並手寫 "2 cts" 其下; 非常吸引的廈門進口封, 品相中上. 甲午戰役, 清軍一敗塗地, 被廹簽訂馬關條約, 將台灣割讓給日本, 但當時在台灣的巡撫唐景崧及民眾起而反對日人統治, 於1895年5月25日宣佈獨立而立國號為 "台灣民主國", 推舉唐景崧為總統. 之後日本在台灣北部正式登陸, 唐景崧却馬上逃亡, 於是駐守於台灣南方黑旗軍將領劉永福繼為總統, 為了與中國內地保持聯系, 並同時在台南開辦郵政及於1895年7月31日發行郵票; 郵票的中央圖案為虎, 此亦為台灣民主國之徽號. 又俗稱為獨虎票. 但日軍在10月21日佔領台南, 台灣民主國随即滅亡, 因此這政權僅維持了150天.

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