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Auction: 19009 - The Treaty Ports of the Shanghai Postal System - Part 1
Lot: 1265

International Mail
Incoming Mail: 1896 (25 Aug.) envelope registered from New York bearing U.S. 6c. and 8c. tied by registered ovals and addressed to "Kiew Kiang" with a stunning array of transit additions. The front of the envelope with New York registered handstamp (25.8), Tacoma registration label, Shanghai Local Post registered label and Shanghai 5c. turquoise-blue tied by an indistinct Local Post c.d.s. in red (3.10) and Shanghai Registered squared datestamp for the same date, there is also a good strike of the Kewkiang boxed registered handstamp numbered "495", manuscript "Unknown at Kewkiang" and "u.s.postal agency/shanghai" c.d.s. (9.11) applied on the return. The reverse of the cover with Tacoma registered handstamp (30.8), another Shanghai Local Post c.d.s. in red (3.10), a fine strike of Kewkiang Local Post dated oval (6.10) in mauve, San Francisco (30.11), "B" in circle (6.12) and New York Registered (7.12), there is also a large New York registered handstamp.

A magnificent and stunning cover, a very rare combination with the Shanghai local post stamp being added, presumably paid by the U.S. Post Office as they did not have a service to Kewkiang. A unique and highly desirable cover. Photo

1896年8月25日紐約寄九江但又退回紐約的掛號外來封, 貼美國6仙及8仙票各一枚, 銷"REG"橢圓形掛號戳, 封面右下端蓋8月25日紐約手寫編號3289的紫紅色框型掛號戳, 此外尚貼有分別是Tacoma及上海工部的掛號標貼, 在美國票下另貼上海工部五仙票一枚, 銷10月3日紅色上海工部戳並同日上海外方內圓掛號戳, 在信封上端近中央位置蓋紫紅色九江長框型手寫編號495掛號戳, 在封面左下端有紅色手寫"Unknown at Kewkiang", 無法送達收信人, 因而經11月9日的上海美國郵政代辦所蓋退回郵戳; 封背則蓋8月10日Tacoma掛號戳, 另一紅色10月3日上海工部日戳在上端, 中央下端蓋10月6日紅色九江工部橢圓形日戳, 11月30日三藩市日戳, 12月6日圓框"B"字戳, 及藍色方框型紐約掛號戳; 本信自美國掛號寄九江, 並混貼美國及上海工部兩種郵資票, 又經由美國郵政, 上海美國郵政代辦所, 上海工部書信館及九江工部書信館等四個郵政局傳遞, 成為一稀見及亮麗, 極其重要的郵件.

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