Auction: 19008 - The Lam Man Yin Collection of Small Dragons, Dowagers and 1897 Surcharges
Lot: 561
1885-88 Small Dragon Issues
Internal 3 candareen Rate
1889 (12 Oct.) red band cover to the Viceroy's office in Peking bearing 3ca. mauve tied by Tientsin seal type IV in blue and bearing, on the reverse, Customs Tientsin c.d.s. also in blue. Fine. Photo
1889年10月21日天津寄北京直督部堂駐京公所紅條封,貼三分銀票,銷天津海關中文橢圓藍色郵戳,封背有藍色天津海關日戳. 亦是罕有的信封,非常吸引及極具收藏價值.
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