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Auction: 19002 - Orders, Decorations and Medals
Lot: 88

(x) Four: Piper W. Scott, 1st Battalion, 72nd (Seaforth) Highlanders

Afghanistan 1878-80, 4 clasps, Peiwar Kotal, Charasia, Kabul, Kandahar (1427 Piper. W. Scott. 72nd Highrs.); Kabul to Kandahar Star 1880 (1427 Piper W. Scott. 72nd Highlanders) letter ‘E’ in ‘Piper’ overstruck; Egypt & Sudan 1882-89, dated reverse, 1 clasp, Tel-el-Kebir (1427 Piper W. Scott 1/Sea. Highrs.); Khedive’s Star 1882, reverse inscribed, ‘1427 Piper W. Scott, 1/Sea. Hrs.’, edge bruising, some naming faint in places, contact marks, thus good fine (4)

Wilson Scott was born during 1850 at Bougedward, Roxburghshire, Scotland. He is confirmed in Pipers of the Highland Regiments 1854-1902 as having served with 'E' Company, 72nd Highlanders in India and Afghanistan. Stationed for a period in Sialkot in 1878, Scott was present for all the principal engagements in Afghanistan 1878-80. Indeed he endured the 310 mile march under Lieutenant-General Sir Frederick Roberts to Kandahar during August of that year, and took part in the battle of Kandahar on 1 September, which resulted in the relief of the besieged garrison.

Having seen further Piping service in Egypt and Sudan, Scott was stationed at Parkhurst, Isle of Wight during 1883-84, and promoted to Lance-Corporal on 4 September 1884. He was last recorded as serving with the regiment at Beggars Bush Barracks, Dublin, Ireland, in 1889.

He appears to have moved with his family to Lyne Street, Edinburgh (South Leith), Midlothian, where he held the occupation of 'Brewer's Cellar-Man'; sold with Medal and clasp roll verification.

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