Auction: 160 - The Henry "Hap" Pattiz Collection of Nepal
Lot: 2232
Hellrigl #44, a, c, d, 1928-30 1a Grey blue-Bright Ultramarine on native paper, plate II complete sheet collection of three imperforate sheets in grey blue, dark blue and pale ultramarine, and three sheets with trial pin-perforations in grey blue, pale ultramarine and bright ultramarine, each sheet is composed of 64 stamps as before but now designated as plate II as this issue was made up as a single plate and no longer as a setting of 64 cliches, unused without gum as issued, each sheet has large balanced margins, a few folds are present between rows, usually one horiz. fold in the center of the sheet, fine-very fine (Scott #29, c; $5,664.00; S.G. #42, a: £4,416+).