Auction: SW1013 - The Collector's Series
Lot: 241
Rural Post. 1865-1915, an outstanding exhibition collection beautifully mounted on album pages, containing few stamps and 120 covers, these being mostly stampless, with the franked mail bearing issues from 1890 onwards, featuring a wonderful and wide range of these fascinating and unusual rural postmarks, including a remarkable number of early "Librecht" classic types, continuing with post-classic examples also including "special agency" and thimble types, better examples with date in manuscript, etc. The franked mail features many different frankings including an interesting use to fraud the post in the 1898 issue, as well as some few incoming items. The development of the rural post did not really start until 1865, and initially letters of this early period carry the postmarks of the sub-post-offices, the collecting points for several of surrounding small communities; only in 1872 were communities given postmarks of their own and this did not really amount to much until 1880 when rural postal services were greatly expanded. An excellent opportunity to acquire a magnificent and advanced assembly, gathered with taste in search of quality. Viewing is a must.