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Auction: SFW48 - Spink x Cask 88-Fine Wine & Whisky Auction
Lot: 148

Yamazaki-35 year old-Takeshi Tamaki
Not for Sale item. Bottle was given by Suntory Vice President, Mr. Shingo Torii on 25th January 2006 to Mr. Takeshi Tamaki. Distilled and Bottled at Yamazaki Distillery
In Kagami crystal decanter & stopper. In wooden presentation case. Level: 1.8cm below base of cork. 700ml. Single Malt., 60% volume.

Mr. Takeshi Tamaki, a distinguished graduate of Okayama University School of Medicine with a Doctor of Medicine degree. After serving at public health centers in Okayama and Kochi prefectures, he joined the Ministry of Health and Welfare in 1964 and has since held various prominent positions, including Chief of the Nutrition Division, Tuberculosis Adult Disease Division, Food Hygiene Division, and National Hospital Division.

Throughout his illustrious career, Mr. Tamaki has also served as Defense Counselor, Director of the Health and Welfare Bureau, Ministry of Health and Welfare, and Member of the Prime Minister's Office Pollution-related Health Damage Compensation Complaint Review Board. Moreover, he has held senior positions in several associations, such as Senior Managing Director, Vice President, and President of the Japan Food Hygiene Association and Director of the Alcohol Health Medicine Association since 2000.

Today, Mr. Tamaki advocates for enjoying a long and happy life through moderate drinking, a message that aligns with the Association for Alcohol Health and Medicine's motto. Recent research on alcoholic beverages supports this view, echoing Kaibara Ekiken's "Health Precepts," which state that "If you drink a little alcohol, it will help you be cheerful, relieve stress, increase your appetite, drive away your sorrows and make you lively, and it will be very beneficial. There is nothing like alcohol, but if you drink too much, it will harm you."
1 crystal decanter

Mr. Takeshi Tamaki
1960 Graduated from Okayama University School of Medicine Doctor of Medicine.

After working at public health centers in Okayama and Kochi prefectures, he joined the Ministry of Health and Welfare in 1964. Chief of the Nutrition Division, Tuberculosis Adult Disease Division, Food Hygiene Division, and National Hospital Division. Defense Counselor, Director of the Health and Welfare Bureau, Ministry of Health and Welfare in 1991, Member of the Prime Minister's Office Pollution-related Health Damage Compensation Complaint Review Board, Senior Managing Director, Vice President, and President of the Japan Food Hygiene Association, Director of the Alcohol Health Medicine Association since 2000.

Enjoy a long life with moderate drinking

The Association for Alcohol Health and Medicine conducts its activities with the motto of enjoying a long life and enjoying life through moderate drinking.

The results of research on alcoholic beverages in recent years are exactly what Kaibara Ekiken's ``Health Precepts'' says, ``If you drink a little alcohol, it will help you be cheerful, relieve stress, increase your appetite, drive away your sorrows and make you lively, and it will be very beneficial. There is nothing like alcohol, but if you drink too much it will harm you." Excessive drinking is the top cause of lifestyle-related diseases, and regular attention is required.

By the way, as for my drinking, now I mostly enjoy drinking alone at home, and the amount I drink is usually no more than 1 glass. However, at meetings outside several times a month, the amount of alcohol I drink is unstoppable, and I often come home with my memory uncertain, and I end up deeply reflecting on it the next day.

I would like to say it again: I believe that enjoying a good time with friends and family, drinking alcohol in moderation, and eating appetizers that go well with them will lead to a long and prosperous life.

山崎—1984—玉木武非賣品,於2009年6月4日由三得利副社長鳥井信吾先生餽贈,在山崎蒸餾所蒸餾並裝瓶。玉木武 醫學博士,1960年岡山大學醫學部畢業。曾在岡山縣及高知縣保健所工作,1964年進入厚生省,歷任營養科、結核成人病科、食品衛生科、國立醫院科科長,1989年任防衛廳防衛參事官,1991年任厚生省生活衛生局長,退休後擔任總理府公害健康損害賠償投訴審查委員會委員、日本食品衛生協會專務董事、副會長及會長,自2000年起出任酒精健康醫學協會理事長。 酒精健康醫學協會以「適量飲酒可享長壽」為宗旨開展活動。玉木武 提倡適度飲酒比滴酒不沾的人長壽,這在全球都獲認可,而日本的研究也表明,缺血性心臟病的減少尤其明顯。而完全不喝酒,患乳癌和腦出血的機率會較低,雖然差別很小。 近年,關於酒精飲料的研究結果,印證了日本江戶時代的儒學家 貝原益軒《養生訓》中所言:「喝一點酒,可使人心情愉悅,緩解壓力,增進食慾,驅走憂愁,變得開朗,這非常有益;但喝得太多,就會造成傷害。」

HK$420,000 to HK$500,000

Starting price