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Auction: CSS92B - Chinese Banknotes and Coins
Lot: 1290

People's Bank of China, unadopted design for an 100 yuan, ca.1990, uniface, red, green and multicolour, Great Wall at centre, Mao ZeDong at right,
(Pick unlisted), in PMG holder 64 Choice Uncirculated. Compared to the issued 100 yuan, the most striking difference in the addition of the Great Wall at centre. Interestingly to note, a mirrored version of this Great Wall design was used on the reverse of the 4th Series 1 yuan. A very scarce and interesting unadopted design

1999年中國人民銀行第五版人民幣壹佰圓單面正面設計稿,為未經採納之設計,與最終版別的最大分別為中間長城圖,而第四版人民幣壹圓就是以長城為背面圖,與本品左右對調,PMG 64,珍罕之未經採納設計稿


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