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Auction: CSS86B - The Prestigious Academic Reference Collection Of The Late Dr Werner Burger - Part 2
Lot: 1083

China: Jurchen Jin Dynasty, (1115-1234), group of 8x Da Ding Tong Bao 1 cash coins consisting of: rev: 'Shen' (3), 'You', large sized (3) and 'You', small sized (2), fine to about extremely fine. The Jin Dynasty (1115-1234) was formed after Wanyan Aguda rebelled against the Liao Dynasty with the help of Northern Song. After Liao's demise the Jin state turned on Northern Song and quickly took over the their territory north of the Yangtze River leading to the formation of Southern Song, a rump state with its captial in Lin An (modern day Hangzhou). Conflicts then continued for a century without any significant gains for either side. The Mongols, previously vassals of the Jin, turned on their master in 1211 and after numerous defeats, revolts, defections and coups the Jin State was vanquished in 1234, allowing the Mongols now to focus on conquering Southern Song. Dr. Werner Burger Collection (8)

金朝大定通寶一組8枚,背申3枚,背大有3枚,背小有2枚,F至AEF品相。 金朝(1115-1234)是完顏阿骨打在北宋的協助下反抗遼朝後所建立的。遼滅亡後,金國把目標轉向北宋,並迅速吞噬長江以北的領土,導致南宋的形成。南宋定都臨安(今杭州),卻國力不繼。衝突隨後持續了一個世紀,雙方軍力相若,無重大進展。曾經是金國附庸的蒙古人在 1211 年打敗了蒙古,在經歷了無數次失敗、叛亂和政變之後,金國在 1234 年滅亡,蒙古人其後專注征服南宋

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