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Auction: CSS86B - The Prestigious Academic Reference Collection Of The Late Dr Werner Burger - Part 2
Lot: 1071

China: Tang Dynasty Qian Yuan Zhong Bao 50 cash, doubled rimmed reverse with cloud variety, (618-907), measuring 31.3x1.7mm, weighing 6.2g. Casted post-Anshi Rebellion amid high military expenses, a war-torn economy, a faltering mining industry and a period of hyper inflation. The Qian Yuan Zhong Bao was first popular because of its light weight being disproportionate to its high purchasing power, hence the civilians started to melt their own small cash coins, bronze items and bronze Bhuddist statues privately to recast them into Qian Yuan Zhong Baos for greater profit. As inflation continued, the quality of such coins kept decreasing with the ratio of metal used being constantly lowered, hence the early specimens of such coins are usually more valued and stashed away instead of being circulated, thus rare. Zhong Qian Genuine. Dr. Werner Burger Collection. [45]

唐朝乾元重寶五十文,重輪錢,背祥雲,31.3.x1.7mm,重6.2克。 當時長達八年的安史之亂使唐朝經濟衰落,為了籌措軍費,填補財政虧空,唐肅宗李亨於乾元元年(公元758年)和乾元二年分別發行了乾元重寶當十錢及背面外郭為重輪的乾元重寶當五十大錢。市面出現重輪乾元錢、乾元重寶、開元通寶三錢並行流通的混亂情況,令通貨膨脹加劇,民間亦出現紛紛毀掉開元通寶和銅器而私鑄面值更高的乾元重輪錢,導致物價繼續騰踴,而私鑄的乾元重輪錢亦不斷減重,因此民間對初鑄之官樣錢頗為珍惜,一到手就藏起來,不再流通。直至唐代宗寶應元年(公元762年)改重輪乾元重寶與普通乾元重寶一律與開元通寶1當1,即1枚乾元重寶的銅可以改鑄開元錢3枚,在獲利3倍的情況底下,大錢多被私熔,所以能夠流存下來的更加稀有。中乾評真品

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