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Auction: CSS82C - The Prestigious Academic Reference Collection of the Late Dr. Werner Burger: Part 1
Lot: 2124

Qocho Kingdom, cash coin, circa mid 9th century to early 13th century A.D., The kingdom was founded by Huihu refugees fleeing the fall of the Uyghur Khaganate and they settled at Qocho, also known as Gaochang (see lot xxx), modern day Turpan County of Xinjiang. Its population is referred to as the 'Xizhou Huihus' after the old Tang Chinese name for Gaochang, and their kings were titled as 'Idiqut' or 'Arslan' (lion), who received royal recognition from the Tang Dynasty. The close proximity to China and the importance of the Silk Road resulted in the cash coins in local circulation were similar to Tang Dynasty's 'Kaiyuan Tongbao' which were round with a square hole in the middle, but surrounded in Uyghur legend. Very Fine condition. A curious ancient coin with strong Chinese influences and is an important part of the lineage of modern day Uyghurs and Yugurs. Dr. Werner Burger Collection.

公元九世紀中葉至十三世紀中西域高昌回鶻銅錢一枚,此國由回鶻難民所建立,以西州 (又稱高昌)為中心建立汗國,即現今新疆吐魯番(可參考拍品124號),在唐代,西州是東西經濟文化的相互交流地區,深受中國貨幣文化影響,當地流通的錢幣類似於唐代的「開元通寶」──圓形的幣身,中間有一方孔,外圍鑄有維吾爾文字,VF品相,此枚古錢充滿濃厚中國色彩,深具歷史意義,布威納博士舊藏

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