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Auction: CSS82B - Hong Kong Printing Press Specimens
Lot: 1093

Sui Fong Chong, $1, specimen, Leen Swa, 1914, black on light gree, denomination at each corner, ornate floral borders, reverse brown, cherubs left and right, beach sccene at centre,
PMG 55 About Uncirculated (Previously Mounted). A more intricate and beautiful design than most other notes designed by the HKPP

民國三年Sui Fong Chong壹圓樣票, 汕蓮地名,PMG 55,有黏貼痕跡,與其他香港印鈔公司紙鈔相比,設計上特別精巧細膩,美品

HK$7,500 to HK$15,000

Starting price