Auction: CSS82A - Chinese Banknotes
Lot: 241
Fukien Government Bank, One 'Dragon' Dollar, remainder, 1907, without serial numbers, vertical format, blue on yellow, facing dragons and fireball ball left and right, ocean waves below, reverse black Chinese text within a blue frame, with couterfoil,
(Pick not listed), PMG 30NET Very Fine (Counterfoil Included, Repaired, Corner Reattached). According to 'Modern History of Chinese Banknotes': The Fukien Official Currency Bureau was established in 1900 with a capital of 51296 taels. The name was changed to Fukien Government Bank in 1907 and again to Fukien Bank in 1911. Very few notes were issued by the Bank during its short existence and this note is one of few discovered in the 1970's in an old archive. A great rarity from the Qing period and a true collector's piece. Of the highest rarity
1907年福建官銀行龍洋壹圓正連存根,無編號,PMG 30NET(連存根,有修補,紙角重新黏接),根據«中國紙幣現代史»,福建官錢局於1900年創立,資本額51296兩,於1907年更名為福建官銀行,再於1911年改名為福建銀行,只有極少數紙幣於在此短時間內發行,此枚於1970年代的舊檔案發現,可謂清代瑰寶,收藏家必不可少之收藏
HK$300,000 to HK$500,000
Starting price