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Auction: CSS79C - World Coins and Banknotes - e-Auction
Lot: 8477

European Mixed Lot, group of 12 notes consisting of: Belgium: 1000 francs, 1950
Germany: 100 Mark, 1911
East Germany: 5, 10, 20, 50 and 100 Mark, 1971-75
Netherlands: 20 gulden, 1939-41,
Norway: 1000 kroner, 1998
Scotland: National Bank, 1 pound, 1.11.1944
Tajikstan: 50 roubles, 1999

also, Malaysia, 50 ringgit issued for the 50th Anniversary of the Commonwealth Games,
the Dutch 10 gulden PMG 58EPQ, the Scottish 1 pound about extremely fine. The rest uncirculated (12 notes altogether)

歐洲紙幣一組12枚,包括1950年比利時1000法郎,1911年德國100馬克,1971-75年東德5,10,20,50及100馬克,1939-41年荷蘭20盾,1998年挪威1000克朗,1944年蘇格蘭1鎊,1999年塔吉克斯坦50盧布,以及馬來西亞50令吉,英聯邦運動會50周年紀念,荷蘭10盾評PMG 58EPQ,蘇格蘭1鎊AEF,其餘UNC


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