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Auction: CSS76 - Hong Kong Banknotes of a Gentleman
Lot: 6109

Bank of China, Hong Kong and Macau, a pair of $20 and 20 patacas, 2008, matching alpha numerical radar serial numbers BJ123321, in commemoration to the Beijing Olympics,
(Pick 340a and 107a), PMG 67EPQ and 66EPQ respectively. Very rare to find a matching serials, let alone a radar number. Rare (2)

2008年香港及澳門中國銀行北京奧運紀念鈔$20一對,相同字軌及雷達號BJ123321,分別評PMG 67EPQ 及 66EPQ,相同編號已甚難遇到,相同雷達號更罕上加罕!

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