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Auction: CSS57B - Banknotes, Bonds & Shares and Coins of China and Hong Kong
Lot: 1101

Bank of China, 3x $100, 24.9.2017, 100th Anniversary of the Bank in Hong Kong, identical fancy serial numbers with different prefixes, AA118888, BC118888 and HK118888, (Pick 347), graded PMG 66EPQ, 67EPQ and 66EPQ respectively (3)

2017年中國銀行成立一百週年紀念鈔100元一組3枚,不同字軌相同趣味號AA118888, BC118888 及 HK118888,分別評PMG 66EPQ, 67EPQ 及 66EPQ

HK$30,000 to HK$40,000

Starting price