Auction: CSS56 - The Philatelic Collectors' Series
Lot: 811
1872 (6 Mar.) "A contract of Hiring Workers from Macau, China to Peru". The text is published in Chinese and Portuguese. In addition to the signature of the employer's agent and the employee"s fingerprint in the contract of the employee, The official Macau signature and the "Atlantic Macau Chinese Yamen" seal are still required for verification; This contract has been preserved for nearly 150 years. Although there are some damage, it is still a rare document. It is a precious document for studying the overseas labor of the Qing Dynasty.
1872年3月6日(清同治十一年正月二十七日)"由中國澳門往秘魯國僱工合回"(俗稱賣豬仔紙), 內文以中葡兩國文字刊印, 受僱人合同內除了僱主代理簽名, 受僱人押指模外, 尚需澳門官方見証簽名及蓋上"大西洋澳門華政衙門" 印章核實; 此合同經歴接近一百五十年得以保存至今, 雖然有些飽歴風霜之痕,仍實屬難得, 是研究清朝末年的勞動人口出洋的珍貴文件.
HK$3,500 to HK$4,000
Starting price