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Auction: CSS37 - Fine Stamps and Covers of China and Hong Kong
Lot: 2001

Covers and Cancellations
International Routes
Imperial Airways

1940 (3 June) envelope from a French soldier to France "Via Pekin - Changhai, Hongkong, France by imperial airways" bearing 95c. franking tied by Tientsin c.d.s. and with grey-blue Par Avion etiquette; the cover bears an array of handstamp including Singapore censor seal, handstruck "Diverted by air via U.S.A. owing/suspension of Air France Service." (which has been crossed through with red crayon), "Réexpédié de Shanghai par voie ordinaire/apres avoir été retourneé en Londres" (here London has been crossed through and replaced with "Durban" in red ink), readdressed but undelivered and with different Return handstamps. The postage has been paid with half value stamps, thus representing a payment of $1.90. A fascinating cover with a lot of character. Photo

1940年6月3日天津寄法國封, 投寄人為一法國軍人, 經由北京-上海,香港,法國", 及"經皇家航空"郵遞, 貼九角五分郵資, 銷天津日戳, 及貼灰藍色航空簽紙, 信封上蓋了很多不同的印記, 包括"轉由航空經美國, 由於/ 法國航空服務暫停"(該印記已被用紅筆劃以"X"), 用紅墨水"現倫敦已穿越了,改以德班代替", 此外尚有其他轉遞但又沒有派發的各項郵戳及印記. 由於使用半價郵資, 因此本應支付一圓九角; 充滿趣味性及極之吸引的信封.

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