Auction: CSS37 - Fine Stamps and Covers of China and Hong Kong
Lot: 1716
1913-33 Junk Issue
1923-33 Second Peking Print
1926 Experimental Printing on German Paper: 1c. orange and 4c. olive-green, part original gum or unused without gum respectively. S.C. Yeen handstamps on the reverse. Chan 250E, 255E; CSS 325A-B. Photo
During the printing of the Second Peking Print, the 1c. and 4c. values were printed in very small quantities on a German paper watermarked lozenges. This was probably an experimantal or test printiong. They were never issued
1926年北京二版帆船試印票, 赭黃色壹分票帶部分原膠及橄綠色肆分新票無膠各一枚. 背有S.C. Yeen簽章. 陳目250E, 255E; CSS 325A-B
HK$50,000 to HK$60,000