Auction: CSS37 - Fine Stamps and Covers of China and Hong Kong
Lot: 1683
1913-33 Junk Issue
1914-19 First Peking Print
1918 (15 July) picture post card to Buffalo, U.S.A. bearing 4c. tied by Yenchow English/Chinese c.d.s. with large Shanghai bilingual c.d.s. (17.7) and a good strike of the rare "
1918年7月15日中國寄美國水牛城明信片, 貼四分郵資, 銷雙語日戳, 7月17日大型上海雙語日戳, 另蓋少見的紅色長崎檢查戳及檢查員紫色印記.
HK$5,000 to HK$6,000