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Auction: CSS36 - Banknotes, Bonds & Shares and Coins of China and Hong Kong
Lot: 1524

China, Sinkiang Province / Chinese Turkestan, under Chinese Administration (1876-81), 5-Fen (½-Miscal), naming Emperor Guangxu (3), 1.69, 1.54, 1.16g, Yarkland, the first undated, others AH1195 (1878), Chinese legend Guangxu yinqian, rev. Chinese wu fen (5-Fen), between Uigur legends, on first zarb-i yarkland, on other two date 1195 (left), yarkland (right) (Nastich & Schuster E32b, 33a, 33b; Kann 998b, 1181; WS. 1139, 1141; KM. Y. A7.15, A7.16), fine to very fine, scarce (3)

ex. Nicholas Rhodes Collection


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