Auction: CSS34 - The Numismatic Collector's Series sale
Lot: 1337
Netherland Indies, Javasche Bank, set of 3, 1/2 Gulden, 1 Gulden and 2 1/2 Gulden, 1948, serial number C/62 499750, B/90 887724 and AA/52 864383 respectively, (Pick 97, 98, 99), 2 1/2 Gulden graded PMG 64EPQ Choice Uncirculated, the rest PMG 64 Choice Uncirculated (3)
1948年荷屬東印度爪哇銀行伍角,壹盾及貳盾伍角,2盾伍角評PMG 64EPQ,其餘評PMG 64
HK$2,000 to HK$3,000