Auction: CSS32 - The Numismatic Collectors' Series incl. The Nicholas Rhodes Collection of Tibetan Coins, Tibetan and Nepalese Banknotes
Lot: 1199
Kwangtung Province, a lot of 3x local loans, consisting of Public Loan Bearing Prizes for the Development of Local Industries, $10 bond, 1912, number 0077246, the Kwangtung Government 8% Local Loan, $10 bond, 1918, number 15057 and the Kwang Tung Reorganisation Loan, $10 bond, 1921, number 73722,
toned, generally very fine, the latter two bonds rare seen.(3)
廣東省地方勸業有獎公債, 廣東地方善後內國公債及民國八年廣東省政府維持紙幣八釐短期公債, 均拾圓券,附息票,後兩款少見,有黃,個別有裂
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