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Auction: CSS114 - The Shanghai Postal System
Lot: 92

October 1895, Wide Setting
Proofs and Essays
A group of imperforate colour trials on stout paper with ½ca. in blue, 1ca. type II in bright green, in pale, milky blue and in rose-carmine, 2ca. in green and 15ca. in pale turquoise, each is in a block of four. A fine and very appealing group of these unique proofs, a valuable addition to any specialised collection. (24). Photo

無齒試色樣票一組二十四枚, 包括藍色紋銀伍毫票, 分別有明綠色,淡蓝色, 和玫瑰胭脂紅色的銀壹分第二型票, 綠色銀貳分票及淡綠松石色銀壹錢伍分; 各票均為四方連. 少見的宜昌試色樣票组合, 市場價值高.

HK$40,000 to HK$50,000

Starting price