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Auction: CSS114 - The Shanghai Postal System
Lot: 80

Opening of Ichang Post Office
1894 (24 Dec.) stampless de Villard envelope to Shanghai with the address side marked "Ichang" in red ink and, on the reverse, a good strike of Ichang oblong datestamp in black, Hankow Local Post c.d.s. (29.12) in blue, faint Shanghai Local Post c.d.s. (1.1), Customs Shanghai arrival c.d.s. (2.1) and postman's pencil delivery notation. Sent by the postmaster, Joseph Olsen. A rare and desirable early Ichang cover which was, unusually, transferred to the Customs Post in Shanghai. Photo

Wei-liang Chow, November 1996

1894年12月24日宜昌寄上海無票封, 由歐爾森(Joseph Olsen)寄給郵票設計者費拉爾( Villard); 在信封面左上端以紅墨水寫上英文"宜昌", 在封背蓋有黑色方框型重慶信局宜昌分局中英文日戳, 12月29日藍色漢口工部日戳, 模糊的1895年1月1日上海工部日戳及藍色上海海關到達日戳, 另有郵差鉛筆記錄. 罕見的早期宜昌無票實寄封, 而且不慣常地經上海海關郵政遞送, 更是中國早期商埠郵政史的難得素材. 源流: 1966年11月周煒良.

HK$15,000 to HK$20,000

Starting price