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Lot: 2

China, Yuan Dynasty, 2 kuan, 'Zhi Yuan Tong Xing Bao Chao' 1264-1341, large size, vertical format, black and red stamps on mulberry paper,
(Pick Unlisted, Smith-Matravers C167-1), PMG 12NET, restoration, stained. A classic rarity in Chinese numismatics, the Yuan Dynasty 2 kuan that was issued over 700 years ago, making it one of the first known issues of paper money. Yuan dynasty stands out during that time across the world and even across Chinese history, in that banknote were the primary money instrument instead of coins. This particular 2 kuan note represents 2000 cash as shown by the 2 strings of cash coins on the banknote.

China, Yuan Dynasty, 2 kuan, 'Zhi Yuan Tong Xing Bao Chao' 1264-1341, large size, vertical format, black and red stamps on mulberry paper, (Pick Unlisted, Smith-Matravers C167-1), PMG 12NET, restoration, stained. A classic rarity in Chinese numismatics, the Yuan Dynasty 2 kuan that was issued over 700 years ago, making it one of the first known issues of paper money. Yuan dynasty stands out during that time across the world and even across Chinese history, in that banknote were the primary money instrument instead of coins. This particular 2 kuan note represents 2000 cash as shown by the 2 strings of cash coins on the banknote.

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