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Auction: CSS108C - Chinese Banknotes and Coins
Lot: 2290

China, Tang Dynasty, [Zhong Qian 82] bronze 100 cash, 'Shun Tian Yuan Bao', A.D. 759, crescent moon at upper quadrant on reverse, 37x3.1mm, weighs 20.6g, (Hartill 14.147). Minted by Shi Siming, a Tang Dynasty general of Sogdian origins, during the Anshi Rebellion (the rebellion is partially named after Shi Siming himself). Since he and he son only managed to hold on to the self-claimed throne for around 4 years, with the coins being minted in the second year of the reign of Shi Siming, not much have remained till modern times. The rebellion significantly weakened the government and was seen as the catalyst to the eventual downfall of the Tang dynsaty. Well struck with good details and attractive green patinawell struck with good details and attractive green patina

唐代順天元寶,背上月,37x3.1 毫米,重 20.6 克,中乾 82,鑄造精美,細節清晰,綠色包漿迷人。叛將史思明是唐代粟特人,與安祿山發動著名的安史之亂。安祿山死後,殺死其子安慶緒,自稱「大燕皇帝」,改元順天。順天元寶於乾元二年以銷毀洛陽銅佛鑄造,今存已少。叛亂嚴重削弱了唐代政府,被視為唐朝走向敗亡的催化劑


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