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Auction: CSS100B - World, Macau and Hong Kong Coins and Banknotes
Lot: 1064

First National Bank, Korea, specimen 10 yen, 1902-04, no serial number, founded of the bank Shibusawa no Eiichi at right
(Pick 6bs), PMG 50NET, tape repair. An early Korean specimen rare in any grade. Korea during that time was under heavy Japanese influence, Korean government was unhappy with these notes as a Japanese person is on the banknote. But fearing military action from the Japanese, the ban on circulation of these notes were later lifted. Ornate and attractive!

1902-04年韓國株式會社第一銀行10元樣票, 無編號. 銀行創辦人澀澤榮肖像在右. PMG 50NET, 有黏貼修補. 早期珍罕韓國樣票.由於紙鈔肖像是日籍人士, 朝鮮社會上下均表達強烈不滿. 但當時政治局勢深受日本影響, 朝鮮政府終於下令撤除原有的禁止流通令以避免日方的軍事報復行動

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