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Auction: 9022 - Orders, Decorations, Medals & Militaria
Lot: 93

x Naval General Service 1793-1840, one clasp, 4 Novr. 1805 (John Burns.), very fine Estimate £ 600-800 John Burns served as Able Seaman in H.M.S. Caesar; one other man of this name appears on the Admiralty Claimants List with his entitlement given as ´´Lissa´´. John Burns was born Rothbury, Northumberland; joined the Royal Navy, 1805 and was borne on the ships books of H.M.S. Caesar as an Able Seaman, from June 1805; he served in the latter during "Strachan´´s Action", 4.11.1805, when she suffered 4 men killed and 25 wounded; later service including in the Indiaman Bombay Castle and in H.M.S. Caledonia, on being "paid off" from the latter and after three weeks ashore he was told to report to H.M.S. Prince Frederick, he never returned for service and on 28.9.1814 he was logged as a deserter. Ironically this fact was seemingly missed or not noted by the Clerk processing Burns´´ application for his N.G.S. many years later. Provenance: J.B. Hayward August 1973

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