Auction: 7033 - British Empire Stamps & Covers
Lot: 2035
Zanzibar 1896 envelope (creased and sellotape stains) bearing 1895-96 2 1/2a. in combination with 1896 B.E.A. 1/2a. cancelled with "bridge" type c.d.s., 1896 1/4a. reply paid card, uprated with 1a., to Germany, 1901 registered envelope, uprated with 3a., to Germany, 1904 unstamped envelopes to South Africa, taxed and one redirected to Walfish Bay, 1907 G.B. 1d. card to Wales cancelled with squared-circle d.s., 1914 and 1918 envelopes from Aden and Mombasa (Paquebot c.d.s.) to Zanzibar with arrival c.d.s., and five others; also 1893 French P.O. envelope and front to England franked at 40c. and 20c. respectively. Some faults though an interesting group
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