Auction: 5021 - France, Featuring the Château Ramezay Collection, Europe & O/seas & B. Empire
Lot: 3457
x BAHAMAS Covers and Cancellations — 1932-52 selection of commercial covers (17), including 1932 to Canal Zone at 1/101/2d., 1933 and 1936 to U.S.A. at 8d., 1933 to U.S.A. at 6d. and showing framed "insufficiently/prepaid for/air mail service", 1936 to Jamaica at 1/8d., 1937 to India at 71/2d., 1940 registered to Jamaica at 1/81/2d. and 1/11d. (both censored), 1943 registered to Canada at 3/10d., 1947 to Canada at 6d. and returned for additional 6d., 1952 registered to England at 5/- (30 x 2d. stamps) and showing framed "found in ordinary mail" and 1954 Preswick Air Crash envelope to Nassau with stamps floated off; an interesting group
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