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Auction: 368 - The Numismatic Collector's Series e-Auction
Lot: 101

France. Fourth Republic. A pair of maritime medals. In Honor of the Battleship "Richelieu", 1946. Bronze, 67.9mm. By Georges Guiraud. Bust of Cardinal Richelieu left, rev. The battleship sailing ¾ right, 31 JANVIER 1946 above left, legend below.Commissioned in 1940, the fast battleship "Richelieu" saw action in World War II and was part of the force which liberated Singapore after Japan's surrender and then was involved in operations in French Indo China. She was recalled to France at the end of 1945, repaired and modernized. EF-AU; Launch of the Compagnie de Navigation Sud Atlantique's Paqueboat "Laennec", 1952. Bronze, 49mm. By Édouard Fraisse. Bust ¾ right of René Theophile Hyacinthe Laennec, the French physician who invented the stethoscope, rev. The ship sailing ¾ right. AU. (2)


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