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Auction: 363 - The National Toy Soldier Museum Collection: Part 2 - Medals & Militaria
Lot: 49

Lot of Austrian and German War and other Medals. Austria. Bravery medal. Franz Josef. Silver, 31mm; Fortudini Medal. Karl. Silver, 31mm. Both with integral loops. Some contact marks from wear, VF; Franz Josef. Silver, 30mm. Uniformed bust of emperor ¾ left, Imperial eagle behind/ War trophies. Looped. VF; Republic. 1914-1918 Medal. Miniature, 18mm. EF; also Franz Josef. Uniface Medal for Educational Culture. White Metal, 50mm. Uniformed bust right, crowned monogram before. EF; Germany. 1914-1918 Cross; small Siemens KdF-Fahrt pinback. EF; Baden. Friedrich II. Medal of merit. Silver, 38mm. Integral loop. VF; Bavaria. Military Merit Cross. No crown. Bronze. Some greening on crossed swords. On ribbon. EF. (9)


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