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Auction: 342 - The Numismatic Collector's Series Sale
Lot: 1000

George II (1727-1760). A trio of Acts relating to the Royal Navy. Anno decimo octavo. for the further regulating and better Government of His Majesty's Navies, Ships of War, and Forces by Sea; and for regulating the Proceedings upon Court Martial in the Sea Service. Folio, five pages plus Anno Regni cover; Anno vicesimo secundo. for amending, explaining, and reducing into One Act of Parliament, the Laws relating to the Government of His Majesty's Ships, Vessels, and Forces by Sea. Folio, 21 pages plus Anno Regni cover; and Anno tricesimo secondo. to explain and amend an Act made in the Twenty ninth Year of His present Majesty's Reign, intituled, An Act for the Encouragement of Seamen, and the more Speedy and effectual Manning His Majesty's Navy; and for the better Prevention of Piracies and Robberies by Crews of Private Ships of War. Folio, 13 ½ pages plus Anno Regni cover. The last with very light foxing. Very Fine. [3]

$40 to $60