Auction: 3025 - Stamps & Covers of the World & Stamp Boxes
Lot: 1379
San Marino 1892-1975, an interesting comprehensive mint, mostly unmounted, collection neatly arranged in two stockbooks, contained in a carton, with some better including 1932 Garibaldi set, mint, 1949-50 Views set, 1950 Air. Views set, 1951 Air. 500L. and 1000L., and 1952 Columbus set; and sheetlets (Foglietti) with 1949-51 U.P.U. set of four, 1951 Air. View 50L., 1953 Skiing 200L., 1955 Sports 250L. and 1961 Air. Helicopter 1000L. etc. Generally fine to very fine with viewing highly recommended. (hundreds)
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