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Auction: 23001 - Orders, Decorations and Medals
Lot: 600

The hard-won Silver Cross of Rhodesia group of four awarded to Lance-Corporal C. Sarirowona, 1st Battalion, Rhodesian African Rifles

Zimbabwe, Republic, Independence 1980, numbered '644855 (R); Rhodesia, Republic, Silver Cross of Rhodesia (644855 L/Cpl Sarirowona C. [R]); Ten Year Service Medal, unnamed; General Service Medal (644855 Pvt Sarirowona C. [R]), mounted as worn, minor wear overall, very fine (4)

The originals Medals known to have been lost in a fire and officially replaced. The citation states:

'Since February 1976 Lance-Corporal Chamunorwa Sarirowona of B Company, 1st Battalion Rhodesian African Rifles has been involved in a number of contacts with terrorists. At all times he has displayed outstanding determination to close with an eliminate terrorists, first as a private solider and since May 1977 as a Lance Corporal. He has led by example throughout this period, inspiring those around him with gallant and aggressive acts in the face of the enemy.

On 2nd April 1977 he was one of a small group of soldiers undergoing specialised training at a base camp in the operational area. The sub-unit normally resident at this base camp was out on duty. The soldiers were all volunteers under training for special tasks, and in addition they protected the camp. At approximately 2100 hours the sentry reported possible terrorist movement to the south of the camp. While [the] occupant s of the base camp were in the process of moving to stand-to positions, approximately 20 terrorists opened fire on them with mortars and small arms. All the soldiers took cover immediately expect for the platoon commander and Lance Corporal Sarirowona who ran to firing positions close to and overlooking the terrorist position. Armed only with a sub-machine gun and one full magazine of ammunition, Lance Corporal Sarirowona closed to within 100 meters of the terrorists. With complete disregard for his own safety he continually exposed himself to enemy fire under very hazardous circumstances in an attempt to direct aimed burst of fire at the enemy. In this position a terrorist mortar bomb exploded approximately 20 meters behind him and he was wounded in the shoulder and leg with shrapnel, but the wounds did not stop him from continuing to return fire at the terrorists until he had expended all his ammunition. Throughout the action he shouted abuse at the terrorists and challenged them to come closer, and finally, deterred by the fierce reaction of the base camp occupants, the terrorists took flight. Despite his wounds Lance Corporal Sarirowona assisted his officer in re-organising the other soldiers and re-issuing ammunition before he sought medical attention. As soon as possible after recovery from these wounds, he returned to the operational area.

On 27 June 1977, along with other members of his platoon, he was a passenger in a vehicle in the operational area. At approximately 1600 hours the vehicle came under effective fire from an estimated group of 40 terrorists who were in a well-sited ambush position. The initial enemy fire wounded 9 of the 11 passengers in the vehicle, and having sustained mechanical damage from the terrorist fire, the vehicle came to a halt well within effective range of the terrorist weapons. Lance Corporal Sarirowona was one of two passengers who escaped injury, and seeing the plight of his wounded comrades attempting to take cover, he took the only machine gun from a wounded man and proceeded to provide effective covering fire for his comrades. He did so from a completely exposed position and kept up his covering fire while the other uninjured passenger assisted the wounded off the vehicle and into cover. Despite their numerical superiority and their superior fire power, the terrorists soon abandoned their efforts and withdrew, which must be attributed primarily to Lance Corporal Sarirowona's courageous display of aggressiveness.

Since this incident Lance Corporal Sarirowona has been engaged in further contacts and was wounded again with a gunshot in the leg on 12 January 1978, since then he has made strenuous efforts to become fit enough to return to operations. These examples of this Non Commissioned Officer's gallantry and leadership, coupled with his complete contempt for the enemy and his aggressive determination to eliminate them, have been, and continue to be, an example and inspiration to his fellow soldiers.'

Chamunorwa Sarirowona served with 'B' Company, 1st Battalion, Rhodesian African Rifles under Major Thompson, based at Methuen Barracks, Llewellin; sold together with a typed citation, signed by Lieutenant-General J. S. V. Hickman, a copied recommendation and a handwritten letter from Major W. Thompson to the recipient.

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