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Auction: 22066 - Historical Documents, Postal History & Autographs - Featuring the Robin Hunt Collection
Lot: 2069

(x) From the Mayflower Collection
A Very Early King James I Document with Relevance to The Royal Mint, Tower of London
1604 (24 April) letter headed "Tower of London" from Thomas Knyvett, Warden of the Royal Mint, addressed to "the right honourable the Lord High Treasurer of England and Barons of the Exchequer, and to all other officers and mynisters for the receipt of the First payment of the Fourth Subsidye of the Fower whole Subsidies graunted to our Late soverign Lady Queene Elizabeth in ye XLIIJth yeare of her highness Reigne.". The documents reads "... I the said Warden am freed and dyscharged from the sai First payment of the Fourth Subsidie ... and every or any pte thereof in the Citty of Westminster or elsewhere wthin the County of Middlesex. In witnes whereof I the said Warden have hereunto set my ahnd and seale of office. Given ... in the Second yeare of the happy Reigne of our most gracyous sovereigne Lord Kinge James". Signed "Tho: Knyvett". Some general foxing and minor paper loss though an unusual document.

Notes: Sir Thomas Knyvett (c.1545-1622). As well as being keeper of two royal palaces, Knyvett was warden of the Mint. As keeper of Westminster Palace and a Middlesex magistrate, Knyvett led the search of Parliament’s cellars which resulted in the capture of Guy Fawkes on 4 Nov. 1605.

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