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Auction: 21042 - The Opium Wars Collection
Lot: 68

First Opium War
The Eastern Expedition
The Battle of the Bogue
1841 (19-29 Feb.) a long and detailed letter from Turner & Co in Macao to John Gladstone Co "via Marseilles" and rated "2/8" with light "INDIA" in oval, the flap with "Recd Bombay 12th April 1841 by R S & Co", London and Liverpool datestamps (4.6); light vertical filing fold and some paper ageing which does not detract from this very important letter.

There is a full transcript of tis letter which begins detailing how the 'Nemesis' went to the Bogue with the proposed treaty to be signed by Keshan. The following morning it was learned that the treaty was not going to be signed. He then describes the rumours that were abroad at the time and how the ships crews recalled to their ships, ready to move at a moments notice. He copies out four circulars; the first dated 19th February is the announcement that the forces to be moved to the Bocca Tigris. The second circular, dated 24th February, tells of hostilities being resumed including, "... the guns in Battery and deposit amounting to about 80 guns of various calibre rendered unserviceable and the whole of the military material destroyed. The effective service was accomplished without loss in two hours ... On board HMS 'Calliope' off Wantung ...".The third and fourth Circulars are both about the Batteries of the Bocca Tigris having fallen.

The final section of the letter, in a different hand, commences, "The writer has this morning returned from the Bogue ... the English flag was flying on North Wantung ... the forts are most solidly & well-built but the Chinese could not long sustain the heavy fire from our fleet... the ships of war ... are proceeding up the river & Canton was confidently spoken of as taken - if necessary Amoy, Ningpo & eventually Pekin made points of attack ...". A wonderful detailed and informative letter

1841年2月19-29日由澳門Turner & Co. 經馬賽寄利物浦John Gladstone 信函. 送遞費為"2/8", 信函上有㰐圓形 "INDIA" 戳記, 封舌上寫有 "Recd Bambay 12th April 1841 by R S & Co." 另蓋有倫敦及利物浦日戳 (6月4日); 封函有摺痕及老化跡象. 本信函詳細講述在虎門之戰爆發前夕英國遠征軍集結及準備進攻虎門各炮台, 要塞的情况, 同時本函亦記載了當時4 封在1841年2月期間由英軍義律和伯麥將軍發出的軍事相關公告. 故此信函實為十分寶貴的歷史見証及素材.

HK$25,000 to HK$40,000

Starting price